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About The Artist                                                                                               


As a queer POC who struggles with severe mental illness, everyday is an uphill battle. But everyday I choose to not let that stop me from achieving what I want. I do my best and I take every opportunity to learn and grow in the pursuit of developing new skills as well as strengthening others.


I focus on multi media graphic illustration, as well as writing fiction and poetry. My favorite aspect of art is design. Through shape language, color theory, and reference from life, the goal is to have the viewer look deeper and make connections about the story behind the art. My signature is juxtaposing vibrant visuals with darker undertones, to give the piece depth. I hope to one day be able to call myself a full time artist. I want to run my store, creating online content, as well as zines and webcomics. It sounds like a lot, but anything is possible with enough work.

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